Saturday, February 20, 2010

My journey

So I commute everyday into London from Ashford.

Its a fair old journey but like thousands of others I do it to keep a roof over my head.

For the pleasure of being held captive by southeastern I have to part with nearly £400 a month.

You might ask “for that kind of money he must have a great service” well nearly. I have a train that turns up unless its snowing or a bit wet or just too hot. Every now and then it manages to keep to the timetable. Even though the timetable has had 10 minutes of slack slipped into it as a winter timetable they still find it hard to hit that target.

I manage to get a seat on the way to work as I am one of the first stops. I always feel sorry for the people that get on at the stops past Tonbridge it’s a gamble if they get a seat. Coming home I have to stand for at least the first 3 stops not a problem until you are recovering from a broken foot. Still shouldn’t complain. Oh no hang on yeah complain vent spleen and bitch that’s what I set this blog up to do.

There will be more.


  1. Renewed my annual ticket recently for nearly 4k and haven't had a train on time since. Actually, didn't really get a train on time before either.

  2. Did you also read that they've already extended the journey times of the fast link by over a minute? Won't be long until the fast link is as sh1t as the normal service.
