So now it is the 21st day in January and the closest I have had to getting into a station on time is 3 minutes late. Last night the train I rushed to the station to get was 15 minutes late into the station.
Luckily I couldn't be arsed to stroll far up the platform because the train that turned up was only 4 carriages long not the usual 12. So it was a little cramped on the train. It finally strolled into Ashford like a teenager being taken to the shops by his mum, 28 minutes late.
So how did they come up with the 82.04% figure for trains on time. Last year was appalling as it had the snow in February and the snow in December. which basically made those two months were a no go so how did they manage to get the rest of the year on time?
One of the little tricks they have used is to implement the emergency timetable. This means that the figures for all the trains that would have been cancelled on a normal timetable are not counted.
The other is that they fast link is used even though it's on its own track and is brand new.
There is no accountability for anything when running a rail franchise. They get the government subsidy even if they do nothing they get that. They could change all the trains with those handle push trains and make us pump our arms into work put the price up and still get a subsidy.
There should be some kind of accountability, train later that 30 minutes you can get a refund. 15 minutes late you can get a free ride on the fast train.
I am also pissed off with the complete bullshit explanations' that are sprouted as the train is only 8 carriages due to there being 4 carriages short. WTF thats not an excuse that is stating the f%*king obvious.