Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Twelfth day of Christmas Southeastern

So I think you might have seen this but if you didnt it is worth mentioning again and again.
I thought I was clever setting up a blog to rant at Southeastern but I take my hat off to Adam Helal of St Leonard's. Who created a version of the Christmas carol The Twelve Days of Christmas in a protest at the service we get. Then had a flashmob singing it at Charring Cross.
Also he is showing great restraint in not using any swear words. I would have.
If SouthEastern do not read our complaint letters they might listen to a complaint song.

Here is hoping that when the cold snap hits later this week we can survive it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bob and None the hope of a service from Southeastern.

So it's amazing now that the snow has melted and it's just a bit cold the trains are back to normal service, e.g. we arrived at Cannon Street 10 minutes late. No apologies or explanation just a really long talk about being careful on the platform as it could be slippery.

Last week there was what can only be described as an epic fail by Southeastern to provide any service information or just anything really. Even the news managed to get a Southeastern Spokesperson (general liar) on to grill her about how they can call themselves a service. Sarah Boundy was here name and Polly Evans the busty new anchor from South East Tonight did a pretty good job of not taking her flannelling bullshit. Here is a link to the clip

Sarah Boundys main message was that we hope that we are giving a better service. We hope that the website is better.
We hope that we give good value for money and you have No Hope of getting any money back from us thought the thieving bastards.

The main word here is Hope!!! I don't want to get a train and Hope!! that I will make it to the f&*king destination, I want to get there. I don't want to get to the station and Hope!! that the train advertised is going to be there I want it to be there. It is not an unreasonable request you bunch of fuktards!

She was bangin on about the website being nice to look at. It doesn't work and is not fit for purpose but it looks all nice. When she was being questioned over refunds she kept referring to the customers charter on refunds. Why would they give refunds that is almost like taking responsibility for you actions and as its everyone else's fault be it Networkrail, bombader who make the trains or the gods.

If the amount of ranting I have seen on the web is to go by Southeastern have majorly failed to impress anyone.
The journey home was not even on time. I got to Cannon Street ready for the 5:45 to get home only to find that the train was delayed by 45 minutes. So it will get in later than the 6:08. Useless there was not even a bit of snow it was just a little bit cold.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Liar Liar pants on Fire

So this morning I awoke to a bit more snow hanging around. Its not so bad I thought. I have seen krispy kreme donut with a deeper coating of sugar than the amount of snow I am looking at. Before going to the station I will have a quick look on the website to see what is happening. They wouldn’t lie on the website would they? it will show in real time where the trains are. Well it does but it’s a work of fiction depending on where you are. I put in Ashford and it showed that it was on time. I was going to take it at face value but that would have been silly so I had a deeper rummage.

My advice is if you want to see were your train is don’t put in the station you are at but put in the next smallest station up the line.

See the picture

The question is how can the train be on time everywhere before and after a station but be Delayed at the station. According to the Southeastern spokesman on the radio the site is a great improvement on last year where they had a text based single page of information. I don’t care if its written in pink on a pink background with flashing animation. If it’s wrong there is no point to it. You cannot defend it by saying its better looking than last year but don’t believe what it’s telling you we are just making that up.

If you haven’t seen this fill it in.

It a petition “Southeastern Rail should putting all fares down, not up!”

It’s by a site that is like mine but much more of a professional and less ranty than mine.