It is not strictly a Southeastern problem as its about the retards at London bridge. But I am willing to blame them as it's like wearing a Nazi uniform they are all tarred with the same brush.
When my train got to London bridge the announcer said "I am sorry but a passenger has been taken ill and this train will be stuck here for a while. if you want to make alternate arrangements to get to Cannon Street I suggest you do." So I get my coat and bag and get off.
At this point there was a train on the other platform with its doors open. Standing by this train was a fucktard in his bright yellow tabard blowing his whistle. He cannot be blowing it for the train I have just got off can he. I point at him "this one or that one?" he just blows his whistle and behind me the doors on the train shut and it moves off. "What The F&*k" it was the fastest I have seen a train leave a platform just because I was not on it.
When questioned the fucktard says I was blowing my whistle I couldn't be any clearer. Well you might have started by not standing next to another train with its doors open. Or maybe even used that white and black paddle you wave around like a fly swatter, to point at the leaving train. I am astounded by the quality of customer service and the staff that are in the employee of the railways.
Rant over.